
Global Language Scholarship Award

Global Language Scholarship (GLS) Award recognizes students at the high school, community college, or university level who have demonstrated excellence in world language learning, active participation in the Rivers Foundation essay, and leadership at the community level. The application requirements for this award include a world language learning student of the Gingerland Secondary School, a 500 word essay on a specific topic, a minimum grade point average of a B, and St Kitts and Nevis citizenship.

*Deadline for applications is April 30, 2020.

Educator of Excellence Award

The Educator of Excellence (EE) Award for Middle School, High School and Post-Secondary level educator or teacher who have demonstrated excellence in world language teaching, active participation in the Rivers Foundation activities, and leadership and advocacy at the local and/or national level. The nominating documents for this award include a letter of nomination, a statement from nominee of acceptance of nomination (paragraph), a CV/Résumé, and one letter of support.

Nominate a colleague for the 2021 Educator of Excellence Award.
*Deadline for applications is April 30, 2021.

Founder Award

The Rivers Foundation presents the Founders Award when deemed appropriate to a partner or sponsor, member of organization or of world language teaching community who has made significant contributions to the Rivers Foundation over the years and who exemplifies the spirit and ideals of the founder of the organization.

Join Our Community and Be a Part of this Work

The Rivers Foundation will have projects, programs, and digital networks around
the globe. We are looking for passionate people from your community to join us.
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